Madurai to Karaikudi distance, location, road map and direction
Madurai is located in India at latitude 9.93 and longitude 78.12. Karaikudi is located in India at latitude 10.07 and longitude 78.78.
Distance travelled: 87 kilometres and 444 metres / 54.3 miles.
Straight Line Distance: 46.1 miles (74 kilometres and 200 metres).
Time to travel: 1 hour and 37 minutes.
Direction and bearing: 77 degrees east.
Distance between Madurai and Karaikudi
Madurai and Karaikudi are 74 kilometres (kilometres) and 200 metres apart in a straight line. The distance between Madurai and Karaikudi in miles is 46.1 miles. Because this is a straight line route, the actual travel distance between Madurai and Karaikudi may be greater or varied depending to road curves.
The travel distance or driving distance between Madurai and Karaikudi is 87 kilometres and 444 metres. The road distance between these two points is 54.3 miles measured in miles.Madurai to Karaikudi Bus timings.
Time Difference between Madurai and Karaikudi
The real-time difference between Madurai and Karaikudi is 0 hours, 2 minutes, and 38 seconds. Please keep in mind that the time in Madurai and Karaikudi is calculated using the city’s UTC time. It may differ depending on the country’s standard time, local time, and so on.
Madurai To Karaikudi travel time
Madurai to karaikudi bus timings – Madurai is approximately 74 kilometres from Karaikudi, thus if you travel at a constant speed of 50 kilometres per hour, you would be at Karaikudi in 1 hour and 37 minutes. Your trip time to Karaikudi may vary based on the speed of your bus, train, or automobile.Madurai to Karaikudi Bus timings.
Madurai to Karaikudi Bus
When your bus maintains an average speed of sixty kilometres per hour throughout your travel, bus timings from Madurai to Karaikudi are around 1 hour and 37 minutes. Due to road conditions and a variable travel route, the expected trip time by bus from Madurai to Karaikudi may vary or take longer than the time stated above.